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COBO Technologies

COBO Technologies is an early-stage CRO company based in Copenhagen, Denmark, that is specialised in products and services for Quality Control of CRISPR cells.

Their proprietary CRISPR InDel Profiling Platform – CIPP, for detailed DNA mutation analysis ,was launched in December 2017 and in January 2019 the company launched, PIPPR, for extensive protein/proteome expression profiling using labelfree SWATH LC-MS.

With more than 50 global clients since the start in 2017, COBO Technologies is today one of the leading niche CRO´s within the CRISPR QC field.

COBO is also involved in development of new standards and guidelines for future safe CRISPR Medicine via it engagement in both the NIST Genome Editing Consortium (US) and CRISPOTs (EU).


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