Custom Peptides

OUR Product

Custom Peptides

TAG Copenhagen specializes in the synthesis of high-quality custom peptides tailored to meet the diverse needs of researchers. Purified using advanced Reversed Phase HPLC (RP-HPLC) techniques, our peptides are available in a wide range of purity levels and can be customized with various modifications, including biotinylation, phosphorylation, dye labeling, disulfide bonds, and more.

Whether you need simple or complex sequences, short or extended peptides, or special amino acid incorporations, our team ensures precise synthesis to match your exact specifications.

Custom Peptides

We manufactures peptides tailored to your individual peptide specifications.

Purification method

Our custom peptide are purified with a Reversed Phase HPLC

Purity Grades

75%, >85%, >90%, >95%, >98% and >99%

Full custom modification support

Our peptides supports a full range of custom modifications such as simple and complex peptides, short and long peptides, normal and special amino acids, biotinylation, phosphorylation, dye labelling, disulfide bonds, etc.

Length of residue

Our custom peptides are typically 6–30 amino acids long, but we can produce shorter or longer sequences, up to 60 residues, based on customer specifications.

A minimalist top view of transparent medical vials on a light blue surface. Perfect for healthcare content.
A Person Holding a Test Tube
Custom Peptides


Our production scale of custom peptide is from milligram to multi-gram quantities.


The percentage of the total peptide present in the product is approx. 65%. In addition to TFA, the rest is water and other salts.

Delivery form

Custom peptides are standard delivered as trifluoroacetate salt, but acetate or chloride salts on request. Custom peptides are delivered lyophilized. Poorly soluble custom peptides are specially marked.

Certificate of Analysis

Certificate of Analysis (CoA) follows all custom peptides, incl. HLPC and MassSpec analyses.

Peptide Modification
Custom Peptide ModificationsSpecial amino acidFluorescence/Dye/Biotin LabelingQuenched fluorescent peptide
Acetylation (N-Terminal)D-IleBiotin (N-Terminal, Y/N Ahx)Abz/ Tyr (3-NO2)
Acetylation (Lys)D-Arg, D-Cys, D-Asp, D-Asn, D-Glu, D-Gln, D-Ser, D-His, D-Thr, D-Trp, D-Lys, D-Tyr, D-Orn, Orn, Abu, Aib, (D)1-Nal, (D)2-Pal, (D)4-Cl-Phe, Nva, Nle, Hse, Hcy, Pen, MpaBiotin (Lys in sequence)EDANS or DABCYL
Formylation (N-Terminal)N-Methyl amino acid (Ala, Phe, Leu, Ile, Val, Gly, Met)Biotin (without Lys in sequence)
Fatty acid (N-Terminal)D-Ala, D-Leu, D-Met, D-Pro, D-Val, D-Phe, b-Ala, pGlu, HypFITC/5-FAM (N-Terminal, Y/N Ahx)Multiple Antigenic Peptide System:
Myristic acid (N-Terminal)Other amino acidsDansyl (N-Terminal, Y/N Ahx)Name
Palmytolyl (N-Terminal)Dinitrobenzoylation (Lys)MCA (N-Terminal)Asymmetric 4 branches
Cys(Acm), Cys(tBu)Lys(Me2)HYNIC (N-Terminal)Asymmetric 8 branches
Benzyloxycarbonylation (CBZ)Phosphorylation(Tyr, Ser, Thr, single site)DTPA (N-Terminal)BSA
Amidation (C-Terminal)Tyr(SO3H2)Aliquoting (each)
p-Nitroanilide (pNA, C-Terminal)Ser(octanoic acid)Cyclic peptide:Amino Acid Analysis (AAA) – qualitative
AMC ( C-Terminal)NameKLH
Succinylation (Suc, N-Terminal)Disulfide bridge 1st
NHS (OSu, C-Terminal)Disulfide bridge 2nd
CMK/FMK (C-Terminal)Disulfide bridge 3rd
Amide cyclic (Side chain, end)

Fast and compitent world wide deliverey with our parterns

Delivery of peptides is 3-5 weeks.

Delivery driver unloads packages from a van, organizing shipments outdoors.
Proper Peptide Care

Storage & Handling Guidelines

  • The peptides are supplied lyophilized and should be handled with the following considerations:
  • The peptides should be preserved at a cool dry, evades light place, seal.
  • Short term storage 10-14 days of lyophilized peptide can be stored in a refridgerator. For longer storage (2-3 months), we recommend storing the peptide in a freezer at -20 C. For storage above 6 months we recommend storing in a deep freezer at -80 C if available.
  • If peptide samples need to be frequently or periodically taken from the stock, it is recommended to make a series of aliquots from the stock.
  • Peptide sequences containing C, M, or W are prone to air oxidation. It is recommended to purge the air out of the vial and replace it with a blanket of nitrogen or argon.
Solubilizing Peptides

Finding the Right Solvent

The steps outlined below provides you with a method for determining the best solvent for a synthetic peptide based on its amino acid sequence. It is best to first solubilize a small aliquot of the sample, rather than the entire sample. Assign a value of -1 to each acidic residue. The acidic residues are Asp (D), Glu (E), and the C-terminal -COOH. Assign a value of +1 to each basic residue. The basic residues are Arg (R), Lys (K), His (H), and the N-terminal -NH2. Calculate the overall charge of the peptide. If the overall charge of the peptide is a positive value, you have a basic peptide. Initially try to dissolve the peptide in water.

If the peptide does not dissolve, try 10% and higher solutions of acetic acid. If the peptide still does not dissolve, add TFA (<50ul) to solubilize the peptide and dilute to 1ml with deionized water.

If the overall charge of the peptide is a negative value, you have an acidic peptide. Initially try to dissolve the peptide in water. If the peptide does not dissolve, add NH4OH (<50ul) and dilute to 1ml with deionized water. If the overall charge of the peptide is zero, your peptide is considered neutral. Neutral peptides may require the addition of organic solvents, such as acetonitrile, methanol, or isopropanol. The addition of denaturants, such as urea or guanidinium-HCL may also be required.

Order information

How to Order

Please contact our customer service for any questions when ordering Custom Peptides

  • Visit our How to Order page to learn how to become a customer and place your first order.
  • Check out our FAQ page for information on payment, order status, and more.

You can also contact us directly via email or phone for personalized support.

Order Online

Place your orders quickly and conveniently through our online order portal. Simply log in, upload your specifications, and track your order status—all in one streamlined platform.

Order by E-mail

Please send an e-mail to and use our template by downloading it below:

[Order Template]

If you do not wish to use our template, please add the following to your e-mail:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Name of your institution
  • Payment information
  • Peptides (one peptide per line)
    • Quantity
    • Sequence
    • Purity

Please note: all peptides listed in this website are for research or production use only, not for direct human use.


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